Ordinances by Claude Taylor

Ordinances introduced, authored, and co-authored by this alderman

Past Ward 27

List all 5 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Comptroller, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a contract with the National Park Service through the State Inter-Agency Council for Outdoor Recreations for a grant to fund the St. Louis Riverfront Trail
An ordinance finding that a certain blighted area as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1986, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), exists in the City of St. Louis ('City') and containing a description of the boundaries of said blighted area, attached hereto
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service authorizing the 1992 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs City Wide providing for the construction and reconstruction of gutters, streets, driveways, spot curbs, sidewalks, alleys, traffic controls, beautification, tree planting, resurfacing and related engineering adjustments listed herein
An ordinance approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing a supplemental appropriation from the Port Development Fund, prior year fund balance, amending Ordinance 62284 to authorize such supplemental appropriation, specifically to 520-5527 Payments to the City for Services Rendered in the amount of $14,288.64 for the purpose of providing funds
An ordinance authorizing the Director of Streets to temporarily close Lookaway Drive at the east extension of Shepley Drive for a period of six months and containing an emergency clause.

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