City of St Louis Transparency
Information provided on this site will help the public understand the City's budget, finances, debt and expenditures.

On January 15, 2020, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment formally voted to terminate the consultant agreement for exploring the creation of a public private partnership for the long term lease, management, operation and/or development of the Airport.
View the Fly314 Transparency Portal for archival information about the work of the advisor team.
Download the City's current fiscal year 2024, previous fiscal year 2023, and other past fiscal year budgets, plus other budget-related reports of interest (e.g. TIF revenue summaries and worker's compensation reports).
Download the City's current fiscal year 2024, previous fiscal year 2023, information about the recently passed General Obligation Bond issue and other capital-related documents. View presentations about the proposed bond issue for capital improvements and a report tracking City park improvements funded by park improvement bonds issued in 2014.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
Download the City's audited financial reports for the current and past fiscal years.
The information in this database is taken from the City's mainframe financial system and summarizes General Fund and Special Fund expenditures from fiscal years 2010 to 2022 by fund, department, account and vendor. Year-to-date expenditures for the current fiscal year (FY 2022) are also available and will be updated on a monthly basis.
View the City's long-term debt obligations and other liabilities, as well as debt obligation payment schedules and the City's current bond ratings.
Look up assessed property value, ownership, permit activity and ward information for properties in the City.