Office of Veterans Affairs

Information concerning St. Louis City's Office of Veterans Affairs and additional resource links.

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The St. Louis City Department of Human Services, Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) serves in the role of an advocate, resource facilitator and information and referral source, for veterans and their family members, veterans re-entering the community and veterans who may be at risk often due to poverty, unemployment, homelessness, chemical dependency and mental illness. The primary goal of Veterans Affairs is to reunite veterans with their families and community.

The Department of Human Services OVA pursues public and private grant resources for direct assistance to veterans and their families and the Department of Human Services administers and coordinates funding and services for veterans such as employment, case management, housing assistance, transportation assistance, legal assistance for veterans and other supportive services. 

Assistance is provided during scheduled office visits, in response to telephone inquiries, and through outreach activities. The OVA conducts outreach activities at mass feeding sites, correctional release centers, VA programs, community and veterans related events, accepts self referrals and accepts Walk In inquiries at the 1520 Market St, Room 4065 main office location. The OVA facilitates linkages for eligible veterans to services and benefits provided by the Veterans Administration and other area service providers.

Examples of grant funded activities

The St. Louis Veterans Legal Project

Administered by the Office of Veterans Affairs, provides legal representation at no cost to low income veterans within the St. Louis, Missouri area. Legal consultation and representation is provided at no cost for veterans who need help resolving legal matters which traditionally serve as barriers to lawful employment and adequate housing. The majority of these cases are traffic or nuisance offenses which are minor in nature comprised of ordinance violations for traffic offenses, public intoxication, begging and riding the Metro without fare. Other legal matters such as property issues, divorce, child support, military discharge- service upgrades, etc are provided on a consultation basis only. In addition, the Office of Veterans Affairs coordinates the legal services intake activities at the bi annual regional St. Louis Veteran’s Stand Down events.

Referral and follow-up

The St. Louis Office of Veteran Affairs provides referrals for veterans and their families to a host of organizations and direct service providers. Transportation assistance is provided to accommodate linkage to said services.

Special Veteran Events

The St. Louis Office of Veteran Affairs collaborates in the planning, coordination, implementation and ongoing support of numerous regional and local veterans’ events, most notable being the bi annual St. Louis Homeless Veteran Stand Down and Female Veterans Stand Up.

Collaboration with other Agencies

The St. Louis Office of Veteran Affairs works in conjunction with the Veterans Administration and other agencies to maximize the availability and quality of services to veterans and their families. The Dept. of Human Services OVA serves on numerous advisory committees and planning groups.


Additional Resources:

Disabled American Veterans
Providing free, professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies of government.

Local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post
Listing of local VFW Post and their contact information.

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
To fulfill President Lincoln's promise "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" by serving and honoring the men and women who are America's veterans.

VA St. Louis Health Care System
The VA St. Louis Health Care System provides inpatient and ambulatory care in medicine, surgery, psychiatry, neurology, and rehabilitation, and many other subspecialty areas. It is a two-division facility that serves veterans and their families in east central Missouri and southwestern Illinois.

Contact Information


Phone: (314) 657-1650
Alternate Number: (314) 657-1656

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

1520 Market St , Room 4065
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103

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