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Arts, Culture & Innovation Projects

Develop a Neighborhood-Community Asset Inventory
Information on how to develop an asset inventory of your neighborhood or community.
Secure Vacant Buildings and Preserve Historic Buildings
Existing buildings with historic architectural features, unique design elements, or historical significance add character and charm to a neighborhood
Develop Creative Uses for Vacant Land
Resources for fostering the creative reuse of City owned vacant land.
Organize a Walking Group or Community Fitness Program
Collective fitness is typically easier to commit to than individual fitness programs, and it also promotes neighborhood solidarity, use of public spaces, and overall neighborhood safety.
Launch a Neighborhood Timebank
A timebank is a currency, like money, that can be traded among neighbors. In this case, the currency is an hour of time. An hour of help earns one credit.
Establish a Community Tool Library
It operates much like a traditional library, where residents check out tools and return them about a week later.
Clean the Streets and Beautify the Streetscape
Street clean up programs and projects generally include a regularly scheduled day that the community gathers to clean up debris, weeds, and overgrown landscaping
Foster Activity with Public Seating, Programs, and Furniture
Resources and information on creating an installation of a chair,a group of chairs, a bench, a surface, or something similar that is designed for the general public to use in daily life.
Preserve Existing Buildings
Preservation maximizes the use of existing materials and infrastructure, reduces waste, and preserves the historic character and charm of a neighborhood.
Create Public Art Installations or Exhibits
Engage local residents and employ local artists to highlight the unique history and character of a neighborhood
Paint Intersections or Building Murals
Beautify the neighborhood, support local artists, and create a safer and more identifiable place, increasing the livability and value of your neighborhood

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