Office of the Secretary

The Office of the Secretary manages Board of Public Service meeting materials and issues permits on behalf of the Board.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of Public Service (BPS) Secretary's Office is the central administrative office for the seven-member Board of Public Service (the Board). In this role, the Secretary is responsible for:

Issuing Permits

Missouri State Statutes and City Charter Article XIII Section 5 empowers the Board to issue permits for the use of public places; to grant permits for private businesses as provided by general ordinance; to accept or reject grants or dedications, absolute or conditional, of highways, streets, boulevards, parkways, alleys, or other property for any public use; and to control and conduct any and all engineering, construction, and reconstruction work by the City and to supervise all work in which the City is interested.

Read more about permits

Managing Board of Public Service Meeting Materials

The Secretary's Office serves as the custodian of all documents discussed at Board meetings and maintains records of all Board items. The Board meets every Tuesday at 1:45 PM in City Hall, Room 208. Agenda items must be received by the Secretary's Office the Friday before the meeting by noon. The Secretary's Office publishes minutes within two business days of each meeting.

View upcoming meetings and materials


Board of Public Service

(314) 622-3535

1200 Market St, City Hall, Rm 301
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. M - F

Contact the Board of Public Service

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