Status Code Definitions of Service Requests

Definition and explanation of the status returned when checking the status of a service request.


Indicates a duplicate request or a request that has been created in error.


Indicates that the work indicated by the problem code has been finished by the department/ a field team has completed their work. For Building Division, this indicates that the inspection has been completed.


The service request or work order has been assigned to a worker and the work is in progress.


Status code used when a owner has received notification of a violation and is asking for an extension to complete the work required to resolve the violation.


Only used by Cultural Resources; not by any other departments
It will eventually be removed pending their migration to the Building Division Online Permits System.


The department is evaluating what action need to be taken.


Formal communication has been sent (E.g. a violation letter or program enrollment information)


The service request has not yet been evaluated by the operating department for an inspection. For inspections, this means the inspection has not been assigned.

On Hold

The department is seeking additional information, and the work/inspection is not in queue.


Work in queue (NO WORKER ASSIGNED)


The request has been incorrectly assigned and will be sent back to CSB for evaluation and reassignment.


The Inspector is re-evaluating the situation to see if the issue remains.


Request for those seeking a street permit. This will be removed pending Streets Migration to Cityworks PLL


The request originated from the web, CSB will change from Web to New if it needs to be sent to a department. Tickets originating from the virtual assistant will be set to Web upon its implementation.


Field used by the cityworks team for testing. Not a status code that any department will use.


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