Street and Alley Change Information

Information on permits to convert public streets or alleys into private property, or private property into public streets and alleys

Street/Alley Dedications

A piece of private property becoming a public street or alley is referred to as Street and Alley Dedication. It is a type of Property Boundary Change.

Because the City is accepting the street or alley and all its associated maintenance, it must be constructed according to City standards and codes. The City reserves the right to reject applications which may prove a significant maintenance encumbrance. A BPS Public Improvement Permit must be obtained prior to Street/Alley Dedication Permit issuance. Applicants are encouraged to initiate the BPS Public Improvement Permit first.

The following information is required:

  • Name of the property owner
  • Property address
  • Contact information
  • Description of the land dedication
  • BPS permit number
  • 18"x22" or 22"x34" full-size drawings of the proposed dedication (hard copies accepted, electronic pdf format preferred) 

After submission, the applicant may contact the Planning and Urban Design Agency (PDA) to apply for street naming if the dedication involves new streets. Following the review period, BPS will contact the applicant for any comments/revisions or a notification of the dedication's referral to the Board for approval. The applicant will then submit a full-sized (18x22" or 22x34") mylar signed and notarized by the owner(s) and lien holder(s) and the terms and conditions acceptance letter of the permit to the Office of the Secretary for City authorizing signatures. The signed mylar plat may then be recorded at the Recorder of Deeds office.

Begin by applying for a BPS Public Improvement Permit

Street/Alley Vacations

The City forfeiting public right-of-way (ROW) to one or more private properties is referred to as Street and Alley Vacation.

The applicant will be required to submit plat drawings per the City Street Department once the application is submitted. After review of the proposed plat, the applicant will receive any comments. The Street/Alley Vacation must be passed as an ordinance through the Board of Aldermen. After an ordinance is passed, the applicant will receive a vacation utility affidavit to complete. The affidavit confirms the logistics/decommissioning of the existing utilities within the vacated area. The applicant will submit the completed affidavit to the BPS Office of the Secretary, and may submit the signed/notarized mylar plat for City authorizing signatures. The signed plat may then be recorded at the Recorder of Deeds office.

Begin by contacting the Street Department Plan Reviewer at (314) 768-2804.


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