Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

Description of the City's Tax Increment Financing incentive program, list of related projects, and data on TIF districts


Tax Increment Financing is a development tool designed to help finance certain eligible improvements to property in designated redevelopment areas (TIF Districts) by utilizing the new, or incremental, tax revenues generated by the project after completion.

Under TIF, property taxes within the TIF District are frozen for up to 23 years, the property owners then make Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOTS) to a special allocation fund.

Additionally, 50% of any new local Economic Activity Taxes (EATS), i.e. local sales taxes and earnings and payroll taxes are also paid into the special allocation fund.

The proceeds of the special allocation fund are then used to reimburse the developer for eligible project costs or to retire indebtedness incurred to cover those costs. 

The process to apply for and gain approval for Tax Increment Financing takes four to six months and requires legislation by the City's Board of Aldermen. 


TIF Anniversary Project Summary (2021)
City Foundry RPA 2 TIF
Kingsway Commercial TIF
Iron Hill TIF
5720 Degiverville TIF
900 North Tucker TIF
Summary of TIF Redevelopment Projects for the City of St Louis
Northside Regeneration TIF
CORTEX TIF - St. Louis Innovation District
Carondelet Coke TIF
100 North Euclid TIF
Northeast Hampton/ Berthold TIF
Tax Increment Financing Application

Open Data

TIF Districts Map

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TIF Districts Map

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