Improving Vacant Land: Mow to Own in 2018

Since 2016 the city of St. Louis has offered residents the chance to own derelict property if it is well maintained

March 26, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 7 years old. It was published on March 26, 2018.

before and after of 5141 Ridge

In 2016 the Land Reutilization Authority (LRA) started the Mow to Own Program which allows city residents to take ownership of vacant LRA lots for free.

To qualify residents must own the property adjacent to the LRA lot, agree to continually maintain it and stay current on all real estate taxes. LRA lots that qualify must be 40 feet or less frontage and cannot be contiguous to three or more LRA lots.

Since its inception, 174 vacant LRA lots have been transferred into private ownership. The program is expecting to increase the private ownership of vacant lots in 2018.  

2018 Mow to Own commercial expansion

The program was recently expanded to allow commercial owners as well as residential property owners to qualify and the size of eligible lot was increased from 30 feet to 40 frontage feet .

The City of St Louis is encouraging residents and businesses to take advantage of the newly expanded program.  

“We are making a big push to reduce vacancy by rehabbing abandoned buildings and getting these vacant lots back into a productive use. ” Mayor Lyda Krewson said. “It is paramount that we do something to help revitalize some of our most distressed neighborhoods. This is a public safety issue and it’s a quality of life issue.”

If you are interested in reducing the number of abandoned properties and helping revitalize your community, please Download a Mow-to-Own Application.

Mow to Own Map


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