Comptroller Darlene Green

Darlene Green PortraitThe Comptroller serves as the Chief Fiscal Officer (CFO) of the City of St. Louis and is a member of the executive branch of city government and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Comptroller Green is a city-wide elected official and directs her staff to assist in the city's daily financial operations and economic development strategies.   

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Contact Information


Phone: (314) 622-4389
Fax: (314) 622-4026

Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

In-Person Services: To help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, essential services will be provided by phone or email only during regular business hours.

Social Media:
Follow Office of the Comptroller on X.

1200 Market Street , City Hall, Room 212
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103

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