Comptroller's Office Awards and Recognition

Award and Recognition for the both Comptroller and her team.

Comptroller Darlene Green and her office receive many awards and recognition from a variety of community and professional organizations. Some of these are detailed below.

Team Awards

Perhaps the comptroller's most valued recognition came in 2008 from Standard & Poor's, the nation's leading credit rating agency. The agency upgraded the City's credit rating from A to A+, the City's highest rating in 35 years. This award reflects both Comptroller Green's fiscal policy leadership and the work of her dedicated staff, particularly the finance and development team.

Another award that showcases the professionalism and expertise of Comptroller Green's staff is the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. Every year since Comptroller Green took office in 1995, the Comptroller's Office earns this award for publication of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR.

Personal Awards

Comptroller Green's many awards and recognitions include:

  • The St. Louis Metro Sentinel Journal 2007 “Political Leader of the Year” award

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