Susan Kendig, MSN, JD, WHNP

Joint Boards of Health and Hospitals member

Member, Joint Board of Health and HospitalsSusan Kendig, JD, WHNP-BC, FAANP is a Women’s Health Integration Specialist with SSM Health – St. Mary’s Hospital in St. Louis, MO. Prior to joining SSM Health – St. Mary’s she was a teaching professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, where she led the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program for almost two decades. Sue is a member of the Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care and the Women’s Preventive Services (WPSI) Advisory Panel, a collaborative interdisciplinary effort to develop, review, update and disseminate recommendations for women’s preventive health care services. In Missouri, she has served as an appointee to the Missouri Women’s Health Council, Missouri Patient Safety Commission, and the Missouri Task Force on Prematurity and Infant Mortality. Her primary areas of focus include patient safety, women’s health care, and integration strategies that bring together the full continuum of community and health care services.

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