Land Tax Sale Guidelines for Purchasers

Post-sale procedures for those who have successfully bid on land tax sale properties.


Sheriff’s Land Tax Sale may be highly technical and complicated. We strongly suggest you consult an attorney after acquiring any property. The Sheriff’s Office cannot give you legal advice.

Bidder Process For Auction Sale Day

All Land Tax Sale Court proceedings are held in Division 29 located on the 8th floor of the Carnahan Courts Building, 1114 Market St.

  • Bring proper State photo ID with current address to obtain bidder number.
  • After bid, please have payment into Sheriff’s Office by 2:00 p.m., or you will be placed on the no bidder list and barred from any future Sheriff’s sales. In addition to the purchase price, you will be required to deliver $150.00 in the form of a cashier’s check, money order or cash payable to the Sheriff of the City of St. Louis. This is pursuant to RSMo 92.840 which requires the purchaser to pay all costs. The costs to the Sheriff involve the service by posting and the cost of recording the Sheriff’s Deed. 
  • Once paid for, wait two weeks and schedule your confirmation hearing for the parcel(s) purchased. You must provide notice of the hearing to the following places:
    • Sheriff's Office
    • Division 29
    • Collector of Revenue Attorney
    • previous owner and all lien holders
  • During this time, it is up to the purchaser to find an appraiser, and have the property appraised. The appraiser will need to appear at the confirmation hearing in Court with you. (Full Legal Description MUST be provided)
  • After confirmation of parcel(s), please make sure any and all documents signed by the Judge are turned into the Sheriff’s Office for proper processing. 
  • Once the Sheriff’s Office has the Confirmation Judgment, it will prepare a Sheriff’s Deed and will file with the Recorder of Deeds Office. Once the deed has been returned to our office, we will MAIL the deed to the name and address listed on the Confirmation Judgment. 


Purchase confirmation occurs at Division Number 29 on the 8th floor of the Carnahan Courts Building. 314-613-3154

  1. Your purchase MUST be CONFIRMED by the Court. Pursuant to RSMo 92.840, the successful bidder must file with the appropriate Court a motion to confirm the sale of the property, and must have an appraiser at the confirmation hearing to testify to the reasonable value of the property.
  2. In advance before the hearing date, the purchaser must also notify by mail or in person of he date of the confirmation hearing:
    • the attorney for the Collector of Revenue (City Hall)
    • Sheriff Office (8th Floor Civil Court Bldg.)
    • previous owner and all lien holders of record
  3. It is your responsibility as the purchaser to provide the Court at the confirmation hearing with a full legal description of the property. Please see the Recorder of Deeds (City Hall) for legal description. Failure to do so may result in additional expenses and a delay in recording your deed.
  4. After the confirmation hearing, please make sure any and all signed documents by the Judge are turned into the Sheriff’s office for proper processing of the Deed or no further action will be taken to complete your Deed.
  5. Once the Sheriff’s Office has the “confirmation judgment” and has prepared the “Sheriff’s Deed”, the Sheriff’s Office will record the deed on behalf of the confirmed. The deed will be mailed to the name and address as set forth on the confirmation judgment.
  6. Please remember that you are to apply for an occupancy permit from the City within ten (10) days after the confirmation hearing. 

Department Contacts

Office of the Collector of Revenue

(314) 622-4111

1200 Market, Room 110
St. Louis, MO 63103

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Contact the Office of the Collector of Revenue

Office of the Sheriff

(314) 622-4851

10 N. Tucker Blvd - 8th Floor, Civil Courts Building
St. Louis, MO 63101

Monday - Friday (except Holidays) 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Contact the Office of the Sheriff

Recorder of Deeds and Vital Records Registrar

(314) 622-4610

1200 Market St, City Hall Room 126 - 128
St. Louis, MO 63103-2881

Land Records Recording and Archives 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday Birth/Death/Marriage 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Saturday

Contact the Recorder of Deeds and Vital Records Registrar

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