FY 2025 By Account
Expenditures by account for the 2025 fiscal year
Account | Title | Budget | Expended | % Expended |
510100 | Salaries Regular Employees | $181,051,450 | $74,953,604 | 41% |
510110 | Salaries Police | $81,267,734 | $29,906,888 | 37% |
510120 | Salaries Fire | $42,757,783 | $18,795,757 | 44% |
510900 | Overtime Regular Employees | $10,757,460 | $5,838,164 | 54% |
510910 | Overtime Police | $12,407,080 | $9,628,456 | 78% |
510920 | Overtime Fire | $7,518,464 | $6,528,114 | 87% |
511100 | Salaries Temporary Employees | $76,130 | $49,729 | 65% |
511200 | Salaries Per Performance Employees | $6,604,959 | $2,899,728 | 44% |
511302 | Members Various Boards | $66,150 | $19,680 | 30% |
512000 | FICA | $15,477,862 | $6,854,893 | 44% |
512010 | FICA Commissioned | $1,389,502 | $313,068 | 23% |
513800 | Employee Retirement Plan | $31,521,962 | $12,890,702 | 41% |
513810 | Employee Retirement System Debt Contr | $3,602,264 | $1,471,671 | 41% |
513900 | Police Retirement Plan | $40,188,941 | $33,490,784 | 83% |
513910 | Firemen Retirement System | $3,993,005 | $3,993,005 | 100% |
513920 | Firefighters Retirement Plan | $8,736,986 | $7,131,986 | 82% |
514400 | Workers Compensation Disability | $624,380 | $184,325 | 30% |
514500 | Workers Compensation Settlements | $11,984,910 | $3,879,297 | 32% |
514700 | Workers Compensation Admin | $3,114,569 | $1,462,359 | 47% |
515000 | Medical Insurance | $45,112,191 | $17,402,736 | 39% |
515010 | Medical Insurance Retirees | $14,162,504 | $4,111,871 | 29% |
515020 | Dental Insurance | $507,436 | $160,209 | 32% |
515030 | Life Insurance | $1,025,075 | $369,963 | 36% |
515040 | Life Insurance Retirees | $14,400 | $4,626 | 32% |
515050 | Unemployment Compensation Insurance | $250,000 | $147,984 | 59% |
515060 | Long Term Disability | $368,076 | $106,448 | 29% |
520000 | Computer Supplies | $1,183,785 | $297,371 | 25% |
520500 | Office Supplies | $2,702,737 | $1,004,245 | 37% |
521000 | Communication Supplies | $243,638 | $17,106 | 7% |
521001 | Radio Parts and Supplies | $500 | $0 | 0% |
521002 | Telephone Parts and Supplies | $28,500 | $103 | 0% |
521500 | Health and Safety Supplies | $2,102,950 | $839,212 | 40% |
521503 | Weather Siren Parts | $25,000 | $0 | 0% |
521504 | Breathing Apparatus | $80,000 | $14,309 | 18% |
521506 | Wearing Apparel | $1,806,005 | $432,809 | 24% |
521507 | Ammunition | $388,153 | $0 | 0% |
521508 | Drugs and Medicines | $159,000 | $64,648 | 41% |
521509 | Fire Suppression Safety Supplies | $50,000 | $28,062 | 56% |
521511 | Traffic Poles and Bases | $585,000 | $140,715 | 24% |
521512 | Traffic Misc Wire and Lamps | $630,000 | $28,776 | 5% |
521513 | Traffic Controllers | $505,000 | $76,684 | 15% |
521514 | Traffic Painting and Signage | $200,000 | $144,957 | 72% |
521515 | Hazardous Materials | $20,000 | $3,086 | 15% |
521516 | Salt and Chemicals | $1 | $0 | 0% |
521517 | Emergency System Safety Supplies | $696,000 | $189,414 | 27% |
521518 | Protective Clothing | $635,000 | $200,382 | 32% |
521519 | Small Tools | $23,000 | $676 | 3% |
521521 | Public Safety and Health Body Camera Supplies | $250 | $0 | 0% |
522000 | Facility and Grounds Supplies | $3,624,758 | $1,448,214 | 40% |
522002 | Central Facility Supplies | $25,000 | $5,565 | 22% |
522500 | Fleet Materials and Supplies | $229,500 | $55,374 | 24% |
522501 | Gasoline and Diesel Fuel | $5,000 | $0 | 0% |
523000 | Education and Training Materials and Supplies | $382,587 | $64,457 | 17% |
523002 | Subscriptions | $1,300 | $66 | 5% |
523003 | Fire Suppression Training Materials | $30,000 | $18,329 | 61% |
523004 | Emergency System Training Materials | $10,000 | $0 | 0% |
523005 | Employee Awards and Incentives | $7,500 | $1,625 | 22% |
523008 | Certifications and Professional Licenses | $8,500 | $405 | 5% |
523500 | Environmental Materials and Supplies | $516 | $0 | 0% |
524000 | Recreation Materials and Supplies | $371,611 | $93,310 | 25% |
524500 | Major Projects Materials and Supplies | $5,000 | $0 | 0% |
525100 | Wellness Program Supplies | $200,000 | $0 | 0% |
530000 | Computer Rental and Leases | $16,250 | $0 | 0% |
530500 | Office Rental and Leases | $617,606 | $223,596 | 36% |
531000 | Communication Rental and Leases | $1,000 | $0 | 0% |
531500 | Health and Safety Rental and Leases | $960 | -$411 | -43% |
531501 | Fire Suppression Rental and Leases | $3,000 | $1,739 | 58% |
531502 | Emergency System Rental and Leases | $35,000 | $11,824 | 34% |
532000 | Facility and Grounds Rental and Leases | $165,000 | $41,227 | 25% |
532500 | Fleet Rental and Leases | $218,550 | $85,656 | 39% |
533000 | Education and Training Rental and Leases | $1,700 | $0 | 0% |
533500 | Environmental Rental and Leases | $2,100 | $0 | 0% |
535000 | Parking Rental and Leases | $6,720 | $0 | 0% |
535300 | Land and Buildings Rental and Leases | $3,480,592 | $2,815,243 | 81% |
540000 | Computer Equipment | $527,815 | $181,983 | 34% |
540500 | Office Equipment | $236,388 | $16,468 | 7% |
541000 | Communication Equipment | $14,850 | $0 | 0% |
541500 | Health and Safety Equipment | $830,000 | $37,378 | 5% |
541501 | Public Safety and Health Body Cameras | $300 | $0 | 0% |
542000 | Facility and Grounds Equipment | $166,000 | $8,180 | 5% |
542001 | Refuse Receptacles | $900,000 | $531,998 | 59% |
542002 | Central Facilities Equipment | $10,000 | $0 | 0% |
542500 | Fleet Equipment | $665,761 | $70,822 | 11% |
543000 | Education and Training Equipment | $9,000 | $0 | 0% |
550000 | Computer Capital Asset | $750,449 | $0 | 0% |
550500 | Office Capital Asset | $18,000 | $16,523 | 92% |
551000 | Communication Capital Asset | $666,000 | $4,300 | 1% |
551500 | Health and Safety Capital Asset | $494,480 | $66,558 | 13% |
552000 | Facility and Grounds Capital Asset | $10,000 | $24,250 | 243% |
552500 | Fleet Capital Asset | $2,134,352 | $7,000 | 0% |
553000 | Education and Training Capital Asset | $7,500 | $0 | 0% |
557000 | Capital Leases | $268,668 | $10,049 | 4% |
560000 | Computer Services | $7,106,833 | $3,653,132 | 51% |
560001 | Computer Software Licenses | $3,984,966 | $1,207,925 | 30% |
560002 | Computer Technology Body Camera Services | $1,157,600 | $1,157,600 | 100% |
560003 | Computer and Tech System Development | $1,435,000 | $631,708 | 44% |
560500 | Office Services | $1,025,796 | $246,073 | 24% |
560501 | Maintenance Services | $18,000 | $513 | 3% |
560502 | Office Software Licenses | $5,000 | $923 | 18% |
560503 | Postal Services Office Services | $20,595 | $1,516 | 7% |
560505 | Special Needs Registry Software | $1,500 | $0 | 0% |
561000 | Communication Services | $5,794,201 | $2,557,805 | 44% |
561001 | 311 System | $30,000 | $0 | 0% |
561002 | 911 System | $1,100,000 | $553,381 | 50% |
561003 | City Long Distance | $25,000 | $8,662 | 35% |
561004 | Line Charges | $1,050,000 | $717,105 | 68% |
561005 | Cellular Phone Services | $31,533 | $8,700 | 28% |
561007 | Communication Body Camera Services | $352,392 | $16,332 | 5% |
561500 | Health and Safety Services | $5,294,626 | $1,628,412 | 31% |
561502 | Demolition-Unsafe Buildings | $4,500,000 | $909,741 | 20% |
561503 | Breathing Apparatus Maintenance | $490,015 | $245,008 | 50% |
561504 | Wearing Apparel Cleaning Services | $2,000 | $0 | 0% |
561505 | Prisoner Medical Services | $8,800,000 | $4,659,927 | 53% |
561506 | Fire Suppression Services | $25,000 | $17,805 | 71% |
561507 | Inmate Food Services | $2,300,000 | $1,002,365 | 44% |
561508 | Hazardous Materials Services | $7,000 | $0 | 0% |
561509 | Emergency System Services | $147,000 | $124,218 | 85% |
561511 | Protective Clothing Repair | $2,000 | $0 | 0% |
562000 | Facility and Grounds Services | $9,417,651 | $2,749,442 | 29% |
562001 | Facility Maintenance Ground Services | $1,120,500 | $257,334 | 23% |
562002 | Central Facilities Services | $70,000 | $5,136 | 7% |
562500 | Fleet Services | $2,387,100 | $1,071,549 | 45% |
562502 | Vehicle Washing Services | $36,200 | $6,654 | 18% |
563000 | Education and Training Services | $1,248,817 | $312,542 | 25% |
563001 | Training Certification and Licensing | $1,000 | $0 | 0% |
563002 | Fire Suppression Education and Training | $60,000 | $7,216 | 12% |
563003 | Chief of Police Education and Training | $50,000 | $7,415 | 15% |
563004 | Emergency Systems Education and Training | $20,000 | $1,495 | 7% |
563005 | Scholarship Program | $100,000 | $7,470 | 7% |
563006 | Employee Recognition Awards and Catering | $18,000 | $0 | 0% |
563007 | Non Employee Recognition Awards and Catering | $10,000 | $8,557 | 86% |
563500 | Environmental Services | $503,700 | $279,996 | 56% |
563501 | Recycling Drop off | $64,410 | $0 | 0% |
563502 | Hazard Removal | $14,000 | $0 | 0% |
563503 | Recycling Tires | $200,000 | $45,730 | 23% |
563504 | Transfer Station Refuse Pickup | $9,720,000 | $5,161,698 | 53% |
563505 | Transfer Station Supplemental | $410,000 | $0 | 0% |
564000 | Recreation Services | $307,548 | $55,585 | 18% |
564500 | Major Projects Contracts and Services | $10,636,700 | $26,546 | 0% |
564502 | Sewer Lateral Lines | $1,800,000 | $725,017 | 40% |
565000 | Parking Services | $0 | $0 | 0% |
565100 | Health Care Services | $266,000 | $181,341 | 68% |
565105 | Wellness Program | $100,000 | $9,477 | 9% |
565118 | Pre Employment Medicals | $75,000 | $71,685 | 96% |
565121 | Psychiatric Evaluations | $10,000 | $0 | 0% |
565200 | Lobbying Services | $109,996 | $41,665 | 38% |
565201 | Lobbying Services Federal Grants | $110,000 | $42,906 | 39% |
565400 | Travel Out of Town | $281,848 | $44,237 | 16% |
565401 | Fire Suppression Travel | $30,000 | $5,030 | 17% |
565402 | Emergency System Travel | $13,200 | $3,105 | 24% |
565500 | Transportation | $773,482 | $291,972 | 38% |
565501 | Car Allowance Transportation | $545,010 | $236,259 | 43% |
565600 | Membership Fees | $544,714 | $179,778 | 33% |
565700 | Utilities | $24,500 | $14,981 | 61% |
565701 | Electric | $4,911,922 | $2,898,356 | 59% |
565702 | Natural Gas | $1,229,925 | $276,004 | 22% |
565703 | Steam | $2,985,593 | $1,355,684 | 45% |
565704 | Sewer | $2,021,942 | $1,284,024 | 64% |
565705 | Traffic Signals | $275,000 | $162,423 | 59% |
565706 | Street Lights | $1,250,000 | $501,897 | 40% |
565707 | Alley Lights | $665,000 | $388,561 | 58% |
565708 | Easement Lights | $258,000 | $140,564 | 54% |
565800 | Internal Services | $1,884,100 | $298,953 | 16% |
565801 | Internal Services Gas | $5,306,619 | $1,138,672 | 21% |
565900 | Pass Through | $8,128,000 | $7,424 | 0% |
566000 | Professional Services | $24,608,614 | $5,948,943 | 24% |
566001 | Auditing Services | $965,000 | $373,306 | 39% |
566002 | Management Consulting | $259,000 | $18,745 | 7% |
566003 | Public Relations | $500 | -$82 | -16% |
566006 | Advertising | $79,000 | $1,089 | 1% |
566008 | Annual Reporting | $1,200 | $0 | 0% |
566009 | Architectural Fees and Services | $7,000 | $0 | 0% |
566010 | Health Care | $135,000 | $0 | 0% |
566012 | Refuse Fees and Services | $250,000 | $294,675 | 118% |
566013 | Software Consultants and Services | $265,380 | $140,220 | 53% |
566014 | Police Metro Air Support | $280,000 | $0 | 0% |
566018 | Case Management | $10,000 | $0 | 0% |
566021 | Stabilization and Marketing | $290,000 | $0 | 0% |
566025 | Medical Exam Services | $1,300,000 | $596,750 | 46% |
566026 | Histology Services | $550,000 | $183,448 | 33% |
566027 | Mortuary and Livery Services | $400,000 | $131,251 | 33% |
566028 | Indigent Burials | $6,600 | -$13,815 | -209% |
566033 | Domestic Violence Shelter | $120,000 | $0 | 0% |
566034 | Facility Maintenance | $46,000 | $3,634 | 8% |
566042 | Operations Subcontractors | $300,000 | $1,125 | 0% |
566043 | Outreach | $54,000 | $28,906 | 54% |
566049 | Investigative and Informant | $40,000 | $5,000 | 13% |
566056 | Emergency Shelter | $1,050,000 | $28,343 | 3% |
566057 | Temporary Relocation Services | $0 | $0 | 0% |
566061 | Transportation MODOT | $15,500 | $0 | 0% |
566062 | Youth Empowerment Programs | $868,712 | $0 | 0% |
566067 | Administration | $200,000 | $0 | 0% |
566068 | Recruiting | $200,400 | $0 | 0% |
566069 | REJIS | $3,033,658 | $1,261,624 | 42% |
566071 | Summer Youth Jobs | $1,100,000 | $0 | 0% |
566072 | In School Youth | $100,000 | $0 | 0% |
566078 | Salary Study Consultant | $200,000 | $0 | 0% |
566079 | Support Services | $7,159,887 | $4,048,973 | 57% |
566080 | Fleet Contract Services | $4,136,275 | $2,080,762 | 50% |
566081 | Promotional Testing | $300,000 | $0 | 0% |
566084 | ACA Compliance Consultant | $35,000 | $3,545 | 10% |
566085 | Utility Assistance | $300,000 | $300,000 | 100% |
566090 | Neighborhood Planning | $550,000 | $0 | 0% |
566091 | Community Planning | $750,000 | $0 | 0% |
566092 | Neighborhood Revitalization Service | $2,000,000 | $0 | 0% |
566098 | Supportive Reentry Program | $742,481 | $241,089 | 32% |
566500 | Legal Services | $2,107,247 | $534,752 | 25% |
566501 | Damage Claims | $5,000 | $0 | 0% |
566502 | Non Federal Share Transfer | $2,500,000 | $0 | 0% |
566503 | Judgements Internal Services | $6,000,000 | $4,000,000 | 67% |
566504 | Electronic Monitoring Program | $852,000 | $491,446 | 58% |
567500 | Taxes and Licenses | $13,000 | $12,944 | 100% |
567600 | Surety Bond Premiums and Insurance | $4,434,475 | -$6 | 0% |
567700 | Elected Official Expense Account | $127,000 | $72,000 | 57% |
567701 | Mayor Contingency Fund | $30,000 | $13,846 | 46% |
567800 | Subsidy | $2,035,000 | $1,223,750 | 60% |
567802 | Subsidy Sister City | $75,000 | $0 | 0% |
567803 | Subsidy SLDC | $1,930,000 | $0 | 0% |
567805 | Subsidy Grand Center | $0 | $0 | 0% |
567806 | Subsidy Housing Assistance | $6,282,804 | $209,000 | 3% |
567808 | Subsidy Transit | $14,370,000 | $0 | 0% |
569999 | Prior Year Encumbrance Contractual and Other Services | $100,000 | $8,199,700 | 8200% |
575500 | Principal Payments | $4,318,972 | $688,441 | 16% |
575502 | Principal DNR Loan Payment | $498,457 | $275,703 | 55% |
575503 | Principal Refuse 2017 | $350,000 | $343,277 | 98% |
575504 | Principal Refuse 2018 | $235,000 | $115,240 | 49% |
575505 | Principal Refuse 2019 | $125,000 | $58,546 | 47% |
575506 | Principal Convention Center | $7,805,560 | $7,805,560 | 100% |
575512 | Principal Refuse Trucks 2021 | $170,000 | $83,656 | 49% |
575516 | Principal 1520 Market | $366,000 | $181,687 | 50% |
575517 | Principal Recreation Centers | $1,695,000 | $0 | 0% |
575518 | Principal Forest Park | $1,348,501 | $0 | 0% |
575700 | Interest Payments | $3,905,038 | $2,045,638 | 52% |
575702 | Interest DNR Loan Payment | $57,123 | $30,189 | 53% |
575703 | Interest Refuse 2017 | $15,000 | $7,724 | 51% |
575704 | Interest Refuse 2018 | $7,000 | $2,767 | 40% |
575705 | Interest Refuse 2019 | $8,000 | $3,200 | 40% |
575706 | Interest Convention Center | $14,862,128 | $11,368,343 | 76% |
575712 | Interest Refuse Trucks 2021 | $9,000 | $4,066 | 45% |
575716 | Interest 1520 Market | $9,000 | $5,418 | 60% |
575717 | Interest Recreation Centers | $1,327,525 | $539,491 | 41% |
575900 | Admin Fees | $10,200 | $3,492 | 34% |
575901 | Admin Fees Convention Center | $20,000 | $6,800 | 34% |
575905 | Admin Fees Recreation Centers | $5,000 | $1,802 | 36% |
700001 | Transfer Out | $967,443 | $0 | 0% |
700002 | 27th Pay Reserve | $953,513 | $0 | 0% |
700004 | Assessor Subsidy | $1,475,000 | $0 | 0% |
700006 | Scottrade Center Debt Agreement | $2,700,000 | $1,322,856 | 49% |
700007 | Neighborhood Park Funding | $1,600,000 | $0 | 0% |
700008 | Refuse Garage Debt Service Funding | $500,000 | $0 | 0% |
700009 | Public Administrator Subsidy | $377,000 | $0 | 0% |
700010 | Pass Through to General Fund | $18,272,000 | $0 | 0% |
700011 | 27th Pay Reserve | $70,000 | $0 | 0% |
700012 | Pass Through to Capital Fund | $6,173,000 | $0 | 0% |
700013 | 27th Pay Reserve | $1,500,000 | $0 | 0% |
Feedback is anonymous.