Report A Missed Trash Collection
Report a Missed Trash Collection or refuse issue
Begin online Call 314-622-4800
Begin online: /government/departments/public-safety/neighborhood-stabilization-office/citizens-service-bureau/csb-request-submit.cfm?action=level1&parentNodeId=17#Id-1222
Call: 314-622-4800
On This Page
The City of St. Louis Streets Department appreciates reports of problems with missed trash collections as a way to better our service to residents. If you believe your Trash Collection was missed check your address for the correct trash collection schedule.
The Refuse Department personnel may already be aware of a problem and may already be working to solve it, but sometimes your report is what's needed to learn about a problem.
The best way to report a problem is to contact the Citizens Service Buereu (CSB) by clicking the "Begin Online" link on this page and follow the steps to complete your report.
- Provide as much information as possible. Include information on:
- Address or intersection
- Describe conditions
- Start with the 'Begin Online' button below and select the service that best describe the situation.
- Complete the steps and submit the request.
Begin online Call 314-622-4800
Begin online: /government/departments/public-safety/neighborhood-stabilization-office/citizens-service-bureau/csb-request-submit.cfm?action=level1&parentNodeId=17#Id-1222
Call: 314-622-4800
No fees.
What to Expect
You will receive an email with a request ID number.
You can use the number to check the status of the service request.
Additional Information
Refuse Division
(314) 622-4800
1900 Hampton
St. Louis, MO 63139
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM