Services and Information

Departments and Agencies

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Meeting Materials

  • Federal Election Commission
    Campaign Finance Disclosure Portal provides a single point of entry to campaign finance data. You'll find easy-to-navigate maps and charts that display the campaign finance data you're most interested in. You'll also find many search tools that will help you through our data sources. You can download many of these data sets to perform your own analyses.
  • League of Women Voters
    Formed from the movement that secured the right to vote for women, the centerpiece of the League’s efforts remain to expand participation and give a voice to all Americans. We do this at all three levels of government, engaging in both broad educational efforts as well as advocacy.
  • Register to Vote in MO
    Forms, requirements, and locations for voter registration in MO
  • St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners
    The Board of Election Commissioners for the City of St. Louis aims to ensure that every eligible resident of the City of St. Louis is encouraged and provided ample opportunity to register to vote; that voter files are kept accurate and up-to-date; that voter education and turnout efforts are maximized; and that public elections in the City of St. Louis are conducted in a fair, honest and impartial manner in order to effect the best possible election process consistent with federal law, state statutes, and the Charter of the City of St. Louis.

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