Inserting Elements
Inserting things like images, text blocks, videos, etc in CommonSpot
Step 1: Choose a Location
- Make sure you are in Author or Edit mode.
- Choose the container that you want the Formatted Text Block element to be in.
- Click Click to insert new element at the bottom of the container.
Step 2: Choose an Element
- Elements are broken down into different sections.
- Click on the appropriate section, then click on an element from the list.
- For example, if you need a Text Block, that would be under the Text section.
Step 3: Define the Element
After inserting the element, it needs to be defined.
- Click on the link that says "Click here to define the [your element]." Above is an example of the Formatted Text Block element.
- Fill out the fields presented to you, and click Finish.
Useful Elements
Here's a list of some commonly-used elements.
- Formatted text block (Text, links, images, formatted lists, etc)
- Single image element (puts a single image on the page)
- CSB Widget (help people file a request with CSB)
- News (press releases, news updates, newsgram articles)
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